Creative Atelier: Exploring your Inner Artist Workshop© with Natalie Grambow

November 22–25
$400 plus GST

Workshop Description:

An Artist need to create focus first – to help access inner, intuitive ideas, and his/her own creative process. Creating a personal art practice is one’s own journey into this process of harnessing spontaneous ideas and inspiration into creative design concepts.

In this workshop, students will explore creativity in every sense: discovering how to develop an idea by being guided through the elements and principles of design as well as colour theory and studies as they relate to visual art. These will provide a creative structure for the elaboration of their work and artistic practice as well as possibilities to deepen their complexities.

Natalie will offer exercises and studies incorporating creative visualization, writing, drawing, doodling and mark-making; students will also be guided by different prompts to create a “tool box” of inspiration, techniques, processes and knowledge to enable to let their creative juices come to light and flow out, to harness spontaneous ideas, and learn how to link all the different inspirations together to form a theme as part of the design process. Approaches such as hand painting, block printing, image deconstruction and mono-printing, will be used as ways to develop content and composition on a variety of paper and fabric. Students will leave the workshop with new inspiration in their creative art journals as well as a series of small textile art pieces, which provide valuable sources for future project development.

> Natalie Grambow Bio
